Hammerschlagen Rules
A team is made up of 4 people over the age of 18
Each player has a nail that is already started in the stump
Men use one hand only; ladies have the option of using two hands
Players will start in a row behind the line, when the whistle blows, the first player will run to the stump and get one attempt to hit the nail.
Player has one continuous swing at nail per turn, if the nail is not driven flush into the log, then the player runs back with the hammer to the next player.
The arc of hammer swing can be no higher than the player’s ear
If the nail bends, the player can move around the stump to strike the nail for their next turn, or the nail may be straightened and counted as a turn
The nail must be flush or below the surface of the wood, to be completed.
No body parts or foreign objects on the table
Once all four nails are flush with the wood, that teams wins.
"Play At Your Own Risk"
Have A Good Time!
Sign up the day of Oktoberfest at the Oktoberfest booth or early by contacting the city office or a committee member